
Animal reproductions

Createk was founded in 1998 as a company dedicated to creating the most naturalistic animal reproductions and habitats in the taxidermy industry. Although the company has since expanded into other categories, Createk still takes intense pride in its animal reproduction artistry. Museums, zoo’s, theme parks, and retail stores across the country rely on Createk for the most impressive animal exhibits.


From giant elephant heads to tiny bird baths and rodents, our artists produce stunningly realistic animals and habitats that educate and astound. You can pick from our line of pre-designed pieces that are specially designed to highlight the power, grace, and beauty that the creature possesses.

Our experts can also work with you to produce custom pieces that best capture the exact image for your project. From the animals to the terrain they stand on, Createk produces animal reproductions that look as if they came from Mother Nature herself!

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From the tallest T-Rex to the tiniest Trilobite, the professionals at Createk are making creatures come to life! Using a patented composite resin, our expert staff can recreate anything that has ever walked the earth. Our artificial stone makes a perfect substrate for exhibits and our life like animal recreations have even won awards! Createk technicians can design a project based on your vision and imagination. From design to installation, our in house experts work closely with your team to ensure complete satisfaction every step of the way.